Invest in the quality sleep that's necessary for your child's optimal development and well-being.
Let’s collaborate!

I'll consider your family's unique needs and preferences to create a personalized sleep plan that is loving, responsive, and effective. 

We'll make sure that your sleep plan is feasible for you to implement with consistency so that you will get the results you desire within a few weeks.

Be Supported

I'll share strategies that will build your confidence in teaching your child independent sleep skills.

You'll have a prep plan and daytime, bedtime, and night-waking plans so that your family is ready to begin.

I'll be available to chat daily so that I can answer your questions and we can troubleshoot if the need arises.

A Sleep Support Package Includes:
  • Sleep Assessment
  • Individualized Family Sleep Plan
  • Coaching Call(s)
  • Text support for 21 days (8am - 9pm CST)
  • Easier bedtimes and longer stretches of sleep!
Perfect for teaching your child (3 months and up) to fall asleep on their own at bedtime and drift back to sleep independently if they wake during the night.
What if I have a minor sleep issue? 

Schedule a Sleep Strategy Session!

A Sleep Strategy Session includes:
  • Sleep Assessment
  • A 60-minute Sleep Strategy Meeting
  • Summary of the strategies you want to implement
Appropriate when addressing *one challenge such as a sleep regression, crib-to-bed transition, dropping naps, sudden early morning wakeups, tantrums at bedtime, or nighttime fears. 

*Please choose a Sleep Support Package if your child is dependent on outside help to fall asleep.
Your family deserves the health and wellness benefits that come with quality sleep. 
"Having two children, I thought I knew all the sleep tips and tricks…until I had our third. He was such a difficult sleeper and I feel like I was losing my mind. I reached out to Kendall at Rested Families and it was LIFE CHANGING. 

We felt like the questionnaire was thorough and our time talking with Kendall really helped to tailor a plan specific to our needs. The plan was easy to follow and led to our baby finally sleeping through the night. 

Now we have a great routine, easier nights, and consistent naps. It’s amazing how much better everybody feels with a good nights sleep. 

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND RESTED FAMILIES to all those needing sleep support for their babies and children."

- Mom of Daniel, 6 months
Post Coaching Bonuses:

Resource addressing common sleep obstacles that may arise as your child ages 

1 follow-up sleep support email (if needed)
Your future investment in sleep support might be covered by your HSA/FSA funds!

Get prior approval to use your HSA card or be reimbursed by your FSA below.

I'm ready to be a RESTED Family!
I agree to the terms of service at *

Amount to be charged:

Payment Info

Schedule a free call to determine if sleep coaching is a good fit for your family.

Based in Huntsville, AL
Telecoaching Nationwide

Copyright RESTED Families