Is your child struggling to sleep despite your efforts to instill healthy sleep habits?

Could a medical condition be contributing to your child’s sleep challenges?

Is a sensory need or trigger disturbing your child’s sleep?

Are you unknowingly reinforcing a problem behavior?

Has your child had the opportunity to develop independent sleep skills? 
Let's brainstorm what could be at the root of your child's specific sleep issues! 

Let's come up with a plan of action so that your child can get the sleep they need to thrive (and you too)!
Use The Troubleshooting Sleep Discussion Group to
  • Request insight and suggestions concerning your child's sleep situation
  • Connect and be supported by other parents and professionals
  • Ask questions about child development, sleep, and parenting issues 
  • Search for topics that may have already been discussed
  • Learn about resources, programs, and providers who serve families
  • Help others by sharing parenting strategies that are working well for your family
Members also gain access to the Foundations of RESTED Families Online Mini Course and a Sleep on the Spectrum Tip Sheet! 
Together we can get to the bottom of sleep challenges and all have RESTED Families!

Based in Huntsville, AL
Telecoaching Nationwide

Copyright RESTED Families