Become a RESTED Family

Help your child learn the independent sleep skills needed to thrive
Get support to sleep train in a responsive and caring way
Be a calm, clear-headed, and RESTED Parent

I get it…
Not long ago I was right there with you. My family was sleep deprived, irritable, and stressed. 

I was too exhausted to enjoy motherhood as I should. I wasn’t the wife and mother I wanted to be.
I needed to recharge and reconnect. My mental health and relationships were suffering. 
I knew I needed to change my family’s sleep situation, but I was overwhelmed and paralyzed in fear and fatigue.

You don't have to continue suffering like I did!

Let me support your family to get the restful nights you all deserve!


I'm Kendall, a mom who understands feeling stuck in a bad sleep situation. 

I assumed my children were bad sleepers. I thought I had to push through until they outgrew it.

Years later, I learned that children need to be taught independent sleep skills. 

Even infants will develop self-soothing skills if gradually given the space to try!
Now that I'm equipped with the knowledge and strategies that I wish I had known when my children were little, I am passionate about helping parents implement healthy sleep habits and get the rest they need for optimal health and well-being.

I want to help you become a RESTED Family so that you can live life to the fullest! 

Quality sleep is necessary for children’s healthy growth and development.
Getting adequate sleep often decreases behavior problems!
Habit change is hard. There is no shame in reaching out for support to improve your family's sleep habits.
If you'd like to discuss if sleep coaching is right for your family, then schedule a free call!

Based in Huntsville, AL
Telecoaching Nationwide

Copyright RESTED Families